Farewell Online Journalism

My semester has come to an end, so I will be taking a break for a few weeks from my blog. I honestly did not think that I would enjoy writing it, but I re-found my passion for community outreach and awareness. I used to be extremely active with volunteer work, but then I found myself neglecting it because of school obligations. Through this class I have realized the importance of volunteerism and “paying it forward” to the community which has led me to change my career path into nonprofit public relations. Writing about young adults trying to make a difference was so uplifting and inspiring that I do not want to stray away from it.

Many people want to help but feel as though they cannot make a difference, but the fact is every person’s effort counts. Helping others is a great way to step outside what may be troubling you in your personal life, and sometimes gives you the courage or push you need to overcome your own battles. That is what happened to me anyway. I have lived a “lifetime movie” worthy life, but I would not change that for the world. I want to offer the hope and voice to people that I did not receive, and I know that I can offer the proper support because I can relate to them. Adversity truly does build character and what does not kill you will make you stronger.

Positive energy and behavior is contagious so hopefully through joint efforts, maybe we can spread hope to more people and stray away from the negative nature of society. The world is filled with opportunities, and every person can bring a special something to the table. This is my way of leading by example.

I may start another blog that incorporates a “Happy Thought for the Day” portion. Sometimes all we need is an uplifting saying or story to help start our day off right. My ultimate goal in life is to spread happiness if I cannot change the world. I figure what better way then to start off in a blog.


~ by sheelbhuta831 on December 15, 2011.

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