Angelica Nardi: Community Outreach and Growth with Miss America Organization

Many people have misconceptions about pageant girls and often think negatively of them but the reality of the matter is these girls are admirable. They are required to keep a high GPA, stay active through community service, and be involved with pageant appearances. The girls proactively use their title to make a difference in the community. Angelica Nardi shares her experience through the Miss America Organization.

Tracy Olson has been the Miss Gloucester County Pageant director for 6 years in the Miss America Organization. The reason she sticks with the organization is because she believes in it. She stresses that the MAO is not a beauty pageant it is a scholarship program that helps girls attain their dream of becoming Miss America while educating themselves and bettering the community. The MAO offers the opportunity for young women to obtain skills they wouldn’t receive elsewhere such as public speaking, perfected interview skills, and learning marketing/public relations skills because they become their own label/brand. Her daughter has had the opportunity of meeting positive mentors and role models through her involvement with the organization.  Olson admires how much her daughter has grown through the organization. Title holders also raise funds for the Children’s Miracle Network. A former Miss Gloucestor County, Katlyn Davis, was offered a full-time job with The Children’s Miracle Network through her involvement with as a title holder. Tracey Olson has developed a strong bond with all the former Miss Gloucester County girls. She feels honored to have the opportunity to open her home and heart up to help mentor these girls and help them help the community.  The family bond developed through the organization is indescribable.

~ by sheelbhuta831 on December 15, 2011.

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